Note Plus
I don’t want to advertise an app here, but since it took me a while to find a good note taking app for iPad, I thought this might be worth sharing. iPad’s screen is not really designed to work with styles, and writing with finger, although works, is not the best experience.
Note Plus has made it really easy to write with a stylus using a smart close up window that follows your writing. There’s also a palm pad that covers your hand when you write. It’s easy to delete or move your writings plus and the app is fairly fast. There are of course other features that you can find out by visiting their website. I’ve made little video highlighting the features I like below.
Note Plus has made it really easy to write with a stylus using a smart close up window that follows your writing. There’s also a palm pad that covers your hand when you write. It’s easy to delete or move your writings plus and the app is fairly fast. There are of course other features that you can find out by visiting their website. I’ve made little video highlighting the features I like below.
2 thoughts
I’ve got note plus too. But now i was sondering if you can upload pictures in note plus?
I can’t Find it so if you knowhow how to please tell
There’s no option for image imports yet – however, its coming soon