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What is going on here?

In case if you are wondering what’s happening here, or where’s my website or the weblog, here is some of thoughts …

I’ve been experimenting with word press for a while and when I finally made up my mind about changing my website’s layout I couldn’t think of any better solution. Having a cross platform design, html5 ready and iPad/tablet friendly was the main goals as well as making the content management easier so I can update more regularly.

In this new version, which will have additional sections coming over the next few weeks, the site is basically built around my weblog. The Media Center page is kept from the old version, in a new layout, to showcase some of my more complete works. Portfolio page which was made of professional and academic in the old version will be probably back too, but I’m considering the best way to present it. It will have the Media Center page layout.

The About, and UK pages are removed for good! I felt I’m sharing a little too much of my private life and internet is not as safe as it used to be!

My final dilemma is the home page! Should I keep it as simple as it is or add additional links, like preview of the weblog’s articles, flicker etc… because I kind of like the front page to look like some sort of a magazine or news paper! We’ll see! …


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