To Understand, To Feel
We don’t really need to understand how something works in order to be able to use it. Take ‘Color Curves’ in Photoshop for example. It’s a very common tool used widely in many other software as well and we all come across it at some point. Usually we get what we need from it, but what does this curve really mean? and what does the vertical and horizontal line actually represent? It’s quiet simple actually!
The horizontal line represents the input pixel (original image) and output pixel are positioned in the vertical line. This way you can see how much you are chaging the value of the pixels when you are moving the curve.I know this is a very simple explanation but just knowing this very basic facts will make using the tool much more enjoyable and effective in some cases. It’s a good feeling when you look at the tools and they actually have some meanings rather than just a graphic interface hiding a mathematical algorithm!