Finding more time to read!

The other day I was thinking that there are so many things I need to do but there’s not enough time,made me wonder if even there’s any point in starting something, say a book, since there won’t be any time to work on them. In times like this you start to organize your time better and discover the time slots that you’ve been wasting doing nothing.
One of those times that goes to waste for me is when I’m on a bus or any other kinds of transport, usually I just listen to the music or day dream! and my imaginations are usually entertaining enough to keep me occupied during the journey :roll:, but the truth is that’s one of the best times to get some reading done! even when you are waiting for the bus (especially if you are waiting for the university transport which takes forever to come!), you can read a few lines which makes waiting less painful!
The other one which I recently discovered as well is when I’m cooking! last night I realized I spent 20 minutes just hanging out in the kitchen looking over my food! I didn’t feel I’m wasting my time but surely I could make a better use of it.
I’m sure there are other times during the day when we can make them useful as well, but if reading in toilet is one of the things you are wondering about now :-D! it’s not really recommneded since it might raise some health related issues. Check out this article from BBC websites which outlines some of them.