and it begins!
The course had a good start, very well organized course with timetables arranged for every week of the first term plus a big one for the whole year showing the teaching programmes. Everyone has a dedicated computer which is how it supposed to be! and they seem to be pretty decent systems. Computers are Linux based (Gnome Ubunto released) which is something new for me. The Graphic interface is pretty much like windows and it’s always good to learn something new, so after Windows and Mac now i have a chance to get my hands on Linux after about 10 years.We also learn shell scripting for Linux which apparently will be useful for the Houdini later on. It will be a challenge for me since I’m not a big 3D fan and hate programming! but the truth is there’s no escape from these two! Shell commands (programmes) are very similar to DOS but much more flexible.
One thought
Good start, really happy for you, settled and started a new study life over there. the lab looks good and new targets should not be a challenge for you! looking forward to see some of your new work.