Sushi Night

Yesterday we had a ‘sushi night’. I learned how to make sushi from ciane last year and since then it’s been a part of my regular diet! to tell the truth, I can have it every day and still enjoy it! When ciane went back home by finishing her studies our monthly sushi ritual stopped! and in time I realized it doesn’t taste as good as when you have it with friends! but I guess that can be applied to other things as well. Apart from our private sushi club!,I started “Sushi Night” last March and last night was the second official sushi night’ held at xtian‘s new place in Uxbridge. It was of course a memorable night amongst friends with a few new and missing members.

Sushi is such an amazing food! (in my opinion one of the heavenly foods!) and surprisingly very easy to make! also, it’s been a good excuse for us to gather and meet up once in a while. Hope this wasn’t the last time.
To get some ideas about how to make sushi there’s a video here that you can watch; “Make Sushi in 1 Minute!” obviously it needs more than just a minute to be prepared! but hopefully after this 1 minute video you’ll know where to start!