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God works in painfully mysterious ways!


sometimes you see a sign and you take it as the god’s gift, perhaps a reward to your prayers, so you follow that sign lightwith the hope that you will reach what you have asked. However, the same sign, the same path, turns out to be pointless and painful! makes you confused! what happened? Did I misunderstand it? and even if I did, did I still deserve to suffer the pain that made no sense? there’s no answer to such questions which makes you frustrated.

So you give up and come back and start to think whether you should reconsider your believes, but right on the edge of giving up, something happens. What you’ve asked is right in front of you, as if you even didn’t need to go look for it, all you needed to do was just seat back and relax and wait for it to be delivered! but you are sure that this wasn’t what the signs were showing, and the path you took, although painful, was apparently leading to somewhere until the very last minute, so what happened? god works in painfully mysterious ways!

whatever it is, it is life ...
whatever it is, it is life ...

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