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LIAF; pretty disappointing!

REVIOR cinema hosting the festival
REVIOR cinema hosting the festival

Went to London International animation festival yesterday evening.  It was the last screening and they were showing the best of the festival. I was hoping to see some very inspirational works and obviously new animations! but my expectation wasn’t fulfilled.

rapunzel's flight;BEST BRITISH animation; pretty good!
rapunzel's flight;BEST BRITISH animation

20% of the works didn’t seem to have a festival worthy quality! 50% were old animations and apparently were shown in the last year festival too! interestingly mostly coming from national film and television school … and the best foreign animation award went to a fairly old animation .. I had seen it on you tube early 2008(Muto@youtube)! Made me wonder what was the process behind selection of the entries!  there was however a few good animations that made the trip not to be a total waste of time! Watch the best British animation here. It’s a well made animation but with a little cheesy ending! the audience seemed to like it anyway.


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