from 'The Fall' to the 'Broken Minute'
I’ve been entertaining the idea of making a decent short film for a long time and this last year of university and the final year project seemed to be the right time to make it happen. I wrote a story which I think was quiet good, but the problem is with good stories come good dialogues and with good dialogues there’s need for people who can act, otherwise it’ll just look weird! and my quest for finding a few interested acting students from the drama department, despite the helps on my lecturer, has been unsuccessful and I’m running out of time, but fortunately if there’s something I’m still good at! is writing!
Last night while falling sleep I started thinking about a short story with no dialogues but an interesting theme and now I’m ready to name it!; ” the broken minute”. It’s basically a story about sensing and following a feeling in a very touchable way. If everything goes well I’ll start the filming next Thursday.