Less is more!
Over the past few weeks I had to, and also wanted to, reduce and downsize my belongings. Anything that wasn’t portable or small enough had to say goodbye to the rest of the gang and walk away! I know I don’t really need a lot of the things I have, but we don’t get things just based on our absolute needs! that would be boring wouldn’t it!? We get them based on our interests, hobbies and hopes, however, knowing that makes the elimination process easier, especially nowadays with internet and sites like eBay where you can convert them into cash with so little effort.
I decided I want to be able fit everything I have in two suitcases, of which, one is quiet big actually. Since I had recently moved into a new place I had already been getting rid of a lot things that I haven’t used in years, perhaps the only fun part of relocating! So what I was left with was the essentials, or so I thought at the time!
Even though we live in a digital age and that’s supposed to give us more space and efficiency I noticed the biggest and heaviest parts of my things are technology related! From my PC to camcorder, cameras, monitors, sound recorders, hard drives, cable and wires and all sorts of different equipments! Without them probably everything could have been fitted in a suitcase which I found odd since last time I moved, I’m sure I didn’t have these many equipments and still managed to fully stuff my suitcases! Had technology replaced something else? Do I have lessees clothing now?
There was no question that the PC had to go, as hard as letting go of a device that will let you do pretty much anything you need to do to, and getting used to a tiny screen of a laptop is! I haven’t had a laptop since 2008 and for the few past years iPad and my phones have successfully fulfilled the in between portable computing device role, but it’s not a replacement for a PC by far, not for me at least. Although it goes against my usual shopping sensibilities to get a first generation device which is soon to be replaced, I decided to get Microsoft Surface Pro simply because nothing else excited me! and soon after I sold everything and used the returned money to pay for the smaller replacements! barely! Portability sure is expensive.
Now that I really am able to pack everything up in two suitcases I feel a little lighter and more willing to move again! it feels like a big invisible burden has been lifted off my shoulder and although I had to let go a lot of things I would have liked to keep, I hope this new approach will make my future decision makings easier too, life is a series of unexpected events so the lighter, the better prepared you are to face them! who knows maybe less really is more!